Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thing #2

Lots of fun alternatives for students to use! Wordle - this application seems like it can be introduced in the early grades and work its way up through high school. How can it be used by an elementary student? Books? Maybe. Let's take the Cat In the Hat. A student as young as kindergarten or first grade could read that several times. Write about the book as a whole or just their favorite parts. Then take that written text and type it into Wordle creating a visual report.
Glogster - totally fun! I already knew about Glogster- but the classroom (edu) aspect is new to me. I think this really takes reports to a new level. Students definitely have to think differently to put something together here compared to the traditional paper posterboard. It allows for video, text, pop-up lables, audio, etc. How that all ties together to create a cohesive report is what can help to raise the level of thinking students need to use. The 'trick' is not to get carried away with the product - but rather delve into the learning of the material.
I've used Animoto before so I thought I'd look at Voki. Interesting. I'm thinking that Voki would make a greater impact in an email as opposed to text alone.
Bookr - a tool for all ages! Even our youngest students can generate books on any topic! As we move up the grade levels, students could create  concept books tied back into science or social studies themes.

1 comment:

  1. Please post an example or two so we can see what your ideas might be.
